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build and maintain bone

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Q: What function performed by osteoclasts would be prevalent in individuals with osteoporosis?
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How many men develop osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis often is thought of as disease more prevalent in women, but more than two million men have the disease characterized by decrease in bone mass and density.

How prevalent is osteoporosis?

44 million people in the United States are at risk for this potentially debilitating disease, which is responsible for 1.5 million fractures (broken bones) annually

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Fighting Osteoporosis with Exercise?

Osteoporosis is a disease marked by significant loss of bone density and increased risk of bone fractures. Osteoporosis affects 55% of Americans over the age of 50. Women are 4 times more likely than man to suffer from osteoporosis. Additionally, it is more prevalent among Caucasians and Asians. In combination with these factors, you may be at an increased risk if you smoke, have a family history of osteoporosis, have a thin frame, don't exercise and have a diet low in vitamin D and calcium. Preventing osteoporosis is important to your health and your wallet. Bone fractures as a result of osteoporosis accounted for roughly 20 million dollars worth of medical costs in 2005. There is good news here. You can save yourself a lot of money and pain by preventing osteoporosis for free or very little money. Certain types of exercise can build bone density and prevent osteoporosis. Exercise must be weight-bearing. Examples of such are walking and lifting weights. Exercises that won't benefit your bone density are swimming and bicycling. Aim for completing 30 minutes to one hour of weight-bearing activity every day to benefit your bones, muscles and weight. Strength train two to three days per week with weights that challenge you to complete 10 to 15 repetitions. As you get stronger, increase the weight so you can only complete 6 to 10 reps. The other days your weight-bearing activity can be cardiovascular in nature, such as aerobics classes, running, playing tennis or climbing stairs. If you already have osteoporosis weight-bearing activity should still be performed to maintain your bone density. Additionally, the strength training and balance activities will reduce your risk of falling and fracturing a bone, the hips and wrists are commonly injured bones in individuals with osteoporosis. Be sure to use caution when exercising, though. Stick to low impact activities, such as the elliptical and walking. Avoid exercise situations that increase your risk of falling or compromise your spine (remember it is made of many bones which can be affected by osteoporosis, as well and would result in severe debilitation if injured). In combination with cessation of smoking, reduced alcohol and caffeine consumption, and increased calcium and vitamin D consumption, exercise is an extremely successful method of building bone density and preventing osteoporosis.

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