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Q: What functions in reflexes of vision and head movement in response to audio and visual and tactile stimuli?
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The responses of plants to external stimuli are called?

The responses of plants to external stimuli is called Tropism.Here are some tropisms:* Chemotropism, movement or growth in response to chemicals * Geotropism (or gravitropism), movement or growth in response to gravity * Heliotropism, movement or growth in response to sunlight * Hydrotropism, movement or growth in response to water * Phototropism, movement or growth in response to lights or colors of light * Thermotropism, movement or growth in response to temperature.

What is the movement of plant in response to stimuli in the environment?


Are reflexes a rapid autonomic response to stimuli?

Reflexes are rapid, involuntary responses to stimuli that occur without conscious thought. They are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and help protect the body from harm by allowing it to respond quickly to potential dangers.

Explandiate the following tropic movement chemotropismgalvanotropismand trantotropism?

Chemotropism is the directional growth or movement of an organism in response to chemical stimuli, guiding its movement towards or away from the source. Galvanotropism is the directional growth or movement of an organism in response to electrical stimuli. Thigmotropism is the directional growth or movement of an organism in response to physical touch or contact with a solid surface.

How do stimuli and response relate to homeostasis?

The human body has reflexes to regulate homeostatic elements such as heat, water. For example: wanting to be in shade if your hot.

What are the cortical reflexes?

Cortical reflexes are involuntary movements or responses initiated by the cerebral cortex of the brain. These reflexes can include actions such as blinking, swallowing, or coughing in response to stimuli. They are important for protecting the body and maintaining homeostasis.

What is causing movement in multicellular organism?

Movement in multicellular organisms is typically controlled by muscles, which contract and relax in response to nerve signals. This coordinated activity allows organisms to perform functions such as walking, running, and breathing. Hormones and chemical signals also play a role in regulating movement in response to various stimuli.

What is slowed reflexes?

Slowed reflexes refer to a delayed or diminished response of the nervous system to a stimulus. This can be caused by various factors such as fatigue, medications, or certain medical conditions. Slowed reflexes may manifest as a sluggish reaction to physical stimuli or challenges that require quick responses.

How do reflexes develop in people?

Reflexes develop in people as automatic responses to specific stimuli, such as touching a hot surface or hearing a loud noise. They are typically innate and do not require conscious thought to occur. Reflexes are important for survival and can be present from birth or develop in response to experience and learning.

What are autonomic reflexes?

Autonomic Reflexes are micro movements in response to specific stimuli that are not regulated by conscious effort. Its most effective use is in the Autonomic Digital Reflexapproach in which twitches of the fingers are decoded as meaningful reactions of the body's inner state.

Is reflex a form of a negative feedback response?

Reflex is not necessarily a form of negative feedback response. Reflexes are quick, involuntary responses to stimuli, while negative feedback is a regulatory mechanism that helps maintain homeostasis by reducing the effects of any deviation from an ideal set point. Reflexes can be part of negative feedback loops, but not all reflexes are negative feedback responses.

What is hyperreflexic?

Hyperreflexia is a condition where there is an exaggerated response of the reflexes, leading to an overactive reflex response to stimuli. It can be a symptom of various neurological conditions such as spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis. Treatment depends on the underlying cause.