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Q: What future soviet dictator was training to be a priest when he got turned on Marxism?
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What future dictator training to be a priest when he got turned on to marxism?

Joseph Stalin.

Which soviet dictator was training to be a priest when he turned Marxism?


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When a priest became a dictator .

Soviet dictator going to be a priest?

Joseph Stalin ; see related link .

Will I ever become a priest?

WikiAnswers cannot predict the future.

What if a local priest was uneducated?

That would be impossible as priests have extensive university and seminary training.

A priest or priestess who served as a go between for someone who a question about the future was called a?


What is a priest or priestess who could tell the future?

In ancient Greece and Rome this would be an Oracle.

Who can administer communion?

Once the Host has been consecrated by the priest, it becomes the Body of Christ. After consecration, the Eucharist is administered by either the priest, the deacon, or trained Eucharistic Ministers.

Who is jean bernard aristide?

He is a priest who became president of Haiti. At first he was a good president but then he turned into a dictator. He was exiled from Haiti to South Africa with the help of the U.S and the French.

Letter to younger brother who satys in hostel fot training for the priest?

Of course you can write a letter for your brother! :)

What is Secularization priest?

A secular priest is a priest who does not live according to a rule of a religious order, society, or congregation of priests. He is a priest who does not take the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience of the members of a religious order, but instead promises obedience to a diocesan bishop and to live a celibate life. Most parishes are administered by a secular priest and parish work is his main canonical mission. Today, a secular priest is often called a diocesan or archdiocesan priest. Secular priest is differentiated from regular priest (regular priest meaning a priest living according to a rule, regula in Latin, like the Franciscans, Dominicans, and Jesuits), better known today as religious order priest. Today, there is not much difference in the academic training of a secular priest and a regular priest because they often study in the same college and graduate theology schools/universities though they may differ in the mission, vision, and spiritual formations since a regular priest has additional training unique to the order, congregation, or society he belongs to.