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there are as many galaxies as their is grains of sand all over earth and mars so it really does not matter but the answer:spiral but the least common is oval

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Q: What galaxies have a variety of shapes and sizes and are less common than other types?
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Galaxies are classified by their shape what are they called?

There are three types of galaxies, all of which are the same, with the exception of their shapes. There are the Elliptical galaxies (football-shaped) the Spiral galaxies (like the Milky way; vortex-shaped) and Irregular galaxies (all shapes other than spiral and football shaped).

What are some other shapes of galaxies?

spiral, barred spiral, elliptical, irregular, and peculiar

Are all of the galaxies in the universe the same?

No. They come in different sizes and different shapes, and have other differences as well.

The majority of known galaxies are which shape?

The two most common shapes for galaxies are a spiral, or an ellipse (circle or oval). All other shapes are considered uncommon.

What does the milky way have in common with other galaxies?

It's a galaxy

A galaxy is a group ow what?

Galaxies contain stars and nebulae, as well as a large variety of other phenomena.

What different shapes do galaxies form?

The most widely recognized system for categorizing the general shapes that galaxies form is credited to Edwin Hubble. Although each galaxy has a unique shape, he found they could be categorized into several shapes with common features. There were the rather featureless ellipticals, and then the spiral galaxies including spirals with bars (central bar-shaped concentrations of stars like our own Milky Way); and the lenticulars which have a flat disk shape with a central bulge but no spiral arms, and also irregulars, with odd or more random shapes that fell outside these common ones. Other shape (morphology) classification systems refined or extended these basic shapes, the classification varying because of a different placement of emphasis upon specific features such as star types or densities, presence of rings, and so forth.

What does the triangle have in common with other shapes?

A triangle in common with other polygons has a total sum of 360 degrees of exterior angles.

How many different shapes of galaxy are there?

There are four classifications for galaxy shapes. Spiral, like our milky way, oblique, such as G 3417., a conjoined spiral, (these are fairly rare so far, that is we have seen very few of these so far), this type of galaxy forms when two spiral galaxies get close enough that the gravitational pull from each of the galaxies massive black holes, (located in the center of every galaxy), "pull" the two galaxies towards one another and the result is a spectacular collision that can last for many billions of years. The last classification is commonly known as "junk galaxies", (although there is no actual name), and it includes all other shapes that are not included in the other three classifications.

What do other galaxies in the universe have in common with the milky way galaxy?

They all contain some form of sphere (ball)

What geometric shapes are the most common?

I guess the circle or sphere ... you use it to do the many constructions to build other shapes and it is found throughout the universe

What do you expect find in other galaxies?

spiral,elliptical,irregular galaxies