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Pollyanna played "the glad game", where the 'player' always looked for something to be glad of - in any situation. It started when, as the daughter of a poor missionary, she found that the only thing suitable for a child in the mission barrel was a pair of tiny crutches, when she had really been hoping to find a doll. To ease her disappointment, her father taught her to look for something to be glad about re: the crutches (ie, that she didn't NEED them). After her father's death (her mother had already passed away) Pollyanna is sent to live with her wealthy but stern Aunt Polly. Pollyanna wins over many of the towns folk with her vivacious personality and youthful optimism. She then proceeds to teach others in the town to play "the glad game". A beautiful concept and a wonderful series of books for all young girls. Make sure they have a box of tissues handy, though!

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