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wrestling and running events

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Q: What games did spectators see?
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What games did the first spectators see at the ancient Greek Olympics?

The 200 metre race.

When were there more Spectators than athletes in the Olympic games?

Generally there are more spectators than athletes.

How did the spectators react at the Colosseum?

The spectators at the Colosseum reacted like the spectators of today. They yelled, applauded, cheered and booed.

Who were the spectators at the ancient olympic games and how did they behave?

The spectators at the ancient Olympic games were men and men only. Most of the competition was in the nude and the games were often considered to be a raucous party.

How many spectators were at the first Olympics games?

Answer (Vague)Around 20000 spectators attended the first olympic gamesAnswer (Accurate)We don't actually know.The first Olympic games were in Ancient Greece, recording the number of spectators was not a concern for the Ancient Greeks.

How many spectators were at the very first Olympic games?


Who goes to the olympic games?

Officials, Athletes, the press and spectators.

people collected to see a match called?


Could women participate or be spectators in the olympic games?

Maybe I don't no

Which Olympic Games having the highest number of spectators in attendance?


How many spectators arrive to watch the olympic games?

595 was it useful

Where did the guests of the ancient olympic games stay?

There were no guests, there were participants and spectators.