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The PlayStation 3 probably has the most educational games and the most online options for educational games. PS3 has games like the National Geographic Challenge game and the Junior Brain Game collection.

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Q: What gaming platform contains the most education video games?
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Do you prefer PC gaming, laptop gaming, or console gaming?

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Which is the best way to pay your steam games?

The best to pay for your steam games is through Paypal. Steam is a gaming platform online that allows you to not only play games but connect with other people as well.

Why is Facebook coming out with its own gaming platform?

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Does playphone work with Verizon?

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Can you play Xbox games on the Wii?

No. But, if you soft mod your Wii, you can play old platform games through an emulator.

What is the video game Rich Man Play Park about?

Rich Man Play park is an online gaming platform where you can play many kinds of different games such as board games. You can also buy items for online games.

What are some games that use mics?

On platform gamin such as Playstation 3 and Xbox nearly all online multiplayer games support the use of a mic,same goes for pc gaming except not online flash games.