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Not sure, but if you combine magnesium with hydrochloric acid, you get hydrogen.

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Q: What gas do you get when you mix magnesium with hydro clurich acid?
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Magnesium reacts with acid to produce hydrogen gas. For example reaction of Magnesium with Hydrochloric acid is..... Mg +2HCl ----> MgCl2 + H2 gas

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When magnesium and hydrochloric acid react what do they produce?

The reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid produces magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. The balanced chemical equation is: Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2.

What happens if acid is mixed with magnesium?

they will form a magnesium salt and hydrogen gas

What is the gas given of when magnesium reacts with acid?

there are many many acidic corosive materials. you will need to be more specific as in what type of acid the magnesium is reacting with. i assume you are at school and are talking about hydrochloric acid. If you add Magnesium metal to hydrochloric acid , the Magnesium will dissolve and form bubbles of hydrogen gas.

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When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid what acid is given off?

When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, hydrogen gas is given off.