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carbon dioxide is used in the Calvin cycle.

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Q: What gas is fixed by the plant during Calvin cycle?
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When does carbon fixation occur in plant biology?

During Calvin cycle

Where in the plant does the Calvin cycle occur?

The Calvin Cycle occurs in the stroma (inside a chloroplast)

When during photosynthesis is glucose made?

Glucose is made after the plant gets the energy to make it from the sun.

In eukaryotes where does the Calvin cycle occur in the plant?

Calvin cycle takes place in plantscell inside the chloroplast within the stroma.

Which process of photosynthesis can occur at night?

No, not unless the plant is exposed to light.

What occurs during the cslvin cycle?

This is a plant's 'dark reaction' cycle, where carbond dioxide is fixed to form carbon. Rather than produce energy (ATP) like the light reactions of photosynthesis, this requires ATP and the product is sugar, such as glyceraldehyde or glucose. Basically makes the plants food :) p.s. I believe you meant 'calvin cycle' ;)

What will most likely happens to a plant that does not receive enough sunlight?

the Calvin cycle will produce less glucose

Why is the Calvin cycle helpful?

The Calvin cycle is in plants and it works in conjunction with the photosystems that obtain energy from the sun. This energy is used in the Calvin cycle for plants to( utilize carbon dioxide precursors in the atmosphere) to make sugars,starches, and such that the plant needs to live and grow.

What materials are utilized during the Calvin cycle in order to reduce fixed carbon to carbohydrate?

ATP and NADPH2 are used to reduce CO2 to carbohydrates, fixing the energy of light (used to produce the ATP and NADPH2 in the light reactions) into a chemical form that then the plant, and the animals eating the plant, can use. There are several intermediary molecules used in the process, actually regenerating the first one used in the process (Ribulose-1,5-biphosphate),hence the "cycle" part in the name.

What will most happen to a plant that does not receive enough sunlight?

the Calvin cycle will produce less glucose

Who does plant store energy?

Huh? Do you mean where? If you mean where During photosynthesis, the light reactions convert light energy into high energy carriers, including ATP and NADPH. These go on to power the Calvin cycle, which generates glucose. Energy therefore is stored as ATP/NADPH during the light reactions, and later transferred to generate glucose during the dark/Calvin cycle. If you mean who, I only have one word WHAT

What is photorespiration?

Photorespiration occurs when a plant runs out of CO2 and begins adding O2 to RuBP in the Calvin cycle.