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Gases are released through the stomata, on the underside of the leaf. There is more than one gas given off by the leaf, however. Carbon Dioxide is given off when the plant performs aerobic respiration; Oxygen and water vapor are given off during photosynthesis; and there are other gases that different plants give off at different times.

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Q: What gas is given of as waste in a leaf?
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Oxygen gas is a waste from this process, and lucky for us that it is because it is given off through the leaves to replenish our atmosphere. The other waste product is water, also given off through the leaves.

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Oxygen gas is given out. It is produced by breaking down of water.

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Oxygen is given off as a waste product.

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Carbon Dioxide is a waste gas in your body.

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Plants release oxygen as a waste gas.

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Carbon Dioxide. (CO2 )

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You leaf it alone!