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21h ago

Hydrogen gas is given off when ethanoic acid (acetic acid) reacts with magnesium. This is a result of the displacement reaction between the acid and the metal.

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Q: What gas is given off when ethanoic acid reacts with magnesium?
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Hydrogen gas is given off when magnesium reacts with sulfuric acid.

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When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, hydrogen gas is given off.

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Carbon dioxide gas is produced when ethanoic acid (acetic acid) reacts with washing soda (sodium bicarbonate). This gas is responsible for the fizzing or bubbling that occurs during the reaction.

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Zinc reacts the fastest with sulfuric acid, followed by magnesium, and then lead. Zinc has a higher reactivity compared to magnesium and lead, leading to a quicker reaction when exposed to sulfuric acid.

What is the gas given of when magnesium reacts with acid?

there are many many acidic corosive materials. you will need to be more specific as in what type of acid the magnesium is reacting with. i assume you are at school and are talking about hydrochloric acid. If you add Magnesium metal to hydrochloric acid , the Magnesium will dissolve and form bubbles of hydrogen gas.

What metal reacts fastest with acid?

Reactive metals like potassium, sodium, and calcium react most quickly with acid, producing bubbles of hydrogen gas and metal salts. Potassium is generally considered to be the fastest in reacting with acid due to its highly reactive nature.