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The gases necessary (yes there are more than one) for respiration are oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Oxygen plays the simpler role of the two. It is required by all cells of the body and can be passed along to the tissues via hemoglobin in red blood cells.

Carbon Dioxide actually plays a very important role. It is the metabolic waste produced by cells, and it can be converted into bicarbonate ions by rbc to be transported in the blood, or bound to the globulin of hemoglobin and transported in this way.

Its important role is its levels control respiration via peripheral and central chemoreceptors. To high CO2 levels and hyperventilation will reduce it or CO2 + H2O will be converted to bicarbonate ion (HCO3) and H ion.

When CO2 is too low - hypoventilation will raise CO2 levels or the conversion of bicarbonate + H back to CO2 and water.

It also plays and integral role in maintaining blood pH.

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Oxygen (O2).

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