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aerobic respiration produces

Carbon Dioxide + Water

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The main gas produced in aerobic respiration is carbon dioxide (CO2).

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Q: What gas is produced in aerobic respiration?
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What gas released during respiration reactions?

CO2 is produced during aerobic and non aerobic respiration.In kreb cycle CO2 is produced in aerobic respiration.

What gas is produced during aerobic cellular respiration?

carbon dioxide

Is Lactic Acid formed in Aerobic respiration?

Yes, small amounts of lactic acid can be formed in aerobic respiration as a byproduct of the incomplete breakdown of glucose when oxygen levels are low. This process is known as anaerobic glycolysis.

How many ATP are produced versus aerobic respiration in the mitochondria?

In aerobic respiration 38 ATPs are produced. In anerobic respiration only 2 are produced

Where is Carbon dioxide produced in aerobic respiration?

Carbon dioxide is produced during the Krebs cycle, which is the second stage of aerobic respiration that takes place in the mitochondria of cells. As part of this cycle, carbon dioxide is released as a byproduct when acetyl CoA is broken down to generate energy in the form of ATP.

What does 'anaerobic respiration is far less efficient than aerobic respiration' mean?

There are two types of cellular respiration: aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration occurs when there is oxygen present. In total, 36 ATP are produced by the end of aerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration occurs when there is no oxygen present. In total, just 4 ATP are produced by the end of anaerobic respiration. Thus, aerobic respiration is more efficient in comparison to anaerobic respiration as it yields more ATP

What substances produced in aerobic respiration?

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how many total ATP's come out of aerobic and anaerobic respiration

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What is produced duing aerobic respiration?

CO2, H2O and ATP

What reactions are coupled in aerobic respiration?

In aerobic respiration, the reactions that are coupled include glycolysis, the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle), and the electron transport chain. These reactions work together to break down glucose and produce ATP, the main energy currency of the cell.

The advantages of aerobic respiration?

* More ATP (energy) is produced relative to anaerobic respiration. * No lactic acid is produced as a by-product of aerobic respiration, which can cause agonising cramps, and requires a lot of energy itself to be removed from the body.