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Q: What gas is used for burning and breathing?
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What was oxygen used for in ancient times?

Mainly for breathing and to support burning.

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Burning hydrogen gas cause a specific noise.

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What gas is always used in burning?


Who discovered oxygen and proved that this gas is necessary in breathing and in burning?

Carl Wilhelm Scheele, 1771 - rediscovered by Joseph Priestley, 1774.

Which gas is used for burning?

Oxygen (O2) is the gas used for burning. Hydrogen is also a gas that can burn because it is highly flammable. Both gases require heat energy to initiate the chemical reaction.

Does burning gas release energy?

Yes! In order to breathe your cells must use energy, which is released when you are breathing while the energy is being used to breathe.

What is oxygen used for exept breathing?

Gas welding/soldering/brazing

What is the difference between a complete burning gas and an incomplete burning gas?

complete burning gas completely burns its fuel and a incomplete burning gas partially burns.

What is a gas mask filter used for?

It removes harmful chemicals from the air you are breathing.

How you compare the process of burning and breathing?


What are three uses for oxygen?

breathing burning