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The atmosphere on Mars consists of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and contains traces of oxygen and water.[

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The most abundant gas in Mars' atmosphere is carbon dioxide.

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Carbon Dioxide 95.72%.

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Q: What gas makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars?
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What type of gas makes up most of mars' air?

The carbon dioxide is the principal component of the atmosphere (not air !) on Mars.

What type of gas makes up most of Mars air?

The carbon dioxide is the principal component of the atmosphere (not air !) on Mars.

What is the most common gas on mars?

Mars has an atmosphere but it is much thinner than earths. It's mainly carbon dioxide gas (95%).

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Nitrogen is the most common gas in the earth's atmosphere.

Is the principle gas in the Venusian atmosphere and also a minor component of the atmosphere of earth and Mars?

There is a bit of confusion here. The Main gas of the atmosphere of Venus, carbon dioxide, is also the main gas of the atmosphere of Mars. This gas is a minor component of Earth's atmosphere.

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On both Venus and Mars, the most abundant gas in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. On Earth nitrogen is the most abundant gas.

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What is the common gas in earths atmosphere?

Nitrogen makes up most of our atmosphere. Second is Oxygen.

What is the principal gas in the venusian atmosphere and also a minor component of the atmosphere of earth and mars?

Carbon dioxide is the principal gas in the Venusian atmosphere and also a minor component in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars.

What kind of gas is mars made up of?

Not much gas at all, as Mars is a rocky planet with not much of an atmosphere.

What gas is Mars' atmosphere composed of?

Mars' atmosphere is composed mainly of carbon dioxide (around 95.3%), with smaller amounts of nitrogen, argon, and trace amounts of oxygen and water vapor.

What gas makes up the largest percentage of Earth's atmosphere?

What gas makes up the majority of the Earth's atmosphere