

What gas seems to have a role in controlling guard?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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the gas is CO2

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Q: What gas seems to have a role in controlling guard?
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Through the stomata carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant and oxygen and water vapor diffuse out of the plant. Guard cells control the opening and closing of the stomata. Used in arid climates to control water loss for instance.

What is the function of guard cells in regulating gas exchange in a leaf?

Guard cells are on the surface of plant leaves and surround each stomata (small pores all over the leaf surface). Stomata control the release of gases, including water vapor. During a drought plants occasionally look droopy but still alive, the plant looks wilted because its guard cells are preventing loss of moisture from the stoma (plural of stomata). When defining stomata, it is made of two parts: the pore (opening) itself, and the (2) guard cells around it.

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How gases enter and exit a leaf?

Gases enter and exit a leaf through stomata. These are openings in the epidermis which are regulated by guard cells. Guard cells decide which gases can go in and out. The gas that goes in is carbon dioxide and the gas that goes out it oxygen.