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Q: What gasses react with water vapor in the air to form acids that return to earth's surface?
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What is a white blood cell made up of?

Amino acids, nucleic acids, phospholipids, innorganic minerals, vitamins and gasses.

WHY did Mendeleev arrange the elements in periods?

he put them in groups to show acids from alkali's and gasses from metals

Would you find hydrophillic or hydrophobic amino acids on the external surface of a protein a protein?

Hydrophilic amino acids would likely be found on the external surface of a protein as they interact with the aqueous environment surrounding the protein, while hydrophobic amino acids tend to be buried within the protein core away from water.

What is most chemical weathering caused by?

Chemical weathering is primarily caused by water, oxygen, and acid precipitation. These agents can break down minerals in rocks through processes like oxidation, hydrolysis, and carbonation, leading to the gradual breakdown of rock material over time.

What 3 gasses make up amino acids?

Nitrogen, Oxygen & Hydrogen Add silica and carbon to the mix and you have what makes up 99% of the universe.

What is a substance in the air which made limestone change?

Limestone is basically calcium carbonate. *All* acids will slowly cause the surface of limestone to dissolve thus eroding the surface. The stronger the acid, the quicker the dissolution. Acids based on sulfur, such as sulfurous or sulfuric acids are very harmful to limestone.

Is acid a solid or liquid?

Acid is not any single substance but a "family of substances. There are many different acids. Some are solids, some are liquids, some are gasses.

How does boiling of green leafy vegetables in aluminum vessels help to return shine of aluminum?

Aluminium is a very reactive metal, but it's reactivity is masked by the thin film of aluminium oxide that covers the surface. Anything that is acid will dissolve this film and leave the surface bright and shiny. Green vegetables contain a variety of acids that can do this.

Why fatty acids are rare in nature?

because plants are not produced with mass made gasses like Methane and co2 the ommit co2 therefore having no acids thats half of the reason we have to let plant grow so they reach theyre full potential

Why having a marble surface in the kitchen is not a good idea if there are acids?

Marble is a form of calcium carbonate. All carbonates are attacked by acids, converting them to salts, carbon dioxide and water.

Is there acetic acid in acid rain?

No. Acid rain is made form CO2, NO2 and SO2 gasses in the air mixing with water in the air to form Carbonic, Nitric and Sulfuric acids.

Why are farts are smelly?

Farts are smelly because of what you eat. When you eat, it goes in to your stomach. Then the acids in your stomach are working to digest the food. After that bacteria break down the foods generating gasses that smell.