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Nobody needs help to stop. It is a non-addictive substance.

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Q: What general things can be done to help people stop smoking marijuana?
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Related questions

What are smoking pipes used for?

Smoking pipes are used for a variety of things. They are most commonly used for smoking pipe tobacco, but there are many who use them to smoke marijuana.

Why do people uses marijuana?

It relieves pain, it's very relaxing, helps get your mind off things, may be a downer, but helps you be up. It's fun, and when smoking it, it helps you bond with whomever your smoking with. It helps you not think, and yet, you think alot, and about very deep things while smoking. It's the safest drug out there, with no pressure to do heavier things (depending on who you hang out with).

What are the dangers of marijuana?

You might get caught. You may forget things because you are focused on other things. Other than that there is no proof of anyone ever dying from marijuana smoking alone in the 5000 years of its use. The cleanest way to use marijuana is in vaporizers.

What else can you do with marijuana other than smoking joints or in a bong?

Many people prefer to make marijuana tea. You can also bake it in brownies. Of course, you should only do these things for legitimate medical reasons, not for recreational purposes.

Marijuana is better than what?

Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.

What does the word hashpipe mean?

Hash pipe is a pipe used for smoking things called hashish, pot, weed, marijuana, or weezer.

Is marijuana a hallucianate?

Smoking marijuana can make a person perceive things differently however that person is not hallucinating like they would be after taking a hit of acid or ingesting a certain type of cactus or ingesting a certain type of mushroom. Smoking marijuana can make one have feelings of anxiety and other feelings resembling symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia but these symptoms are temporary and are easy to overcome while high. To give a general answer of "yes" is too easy. Some smoke marijuana and never experience the symptoms listed above. They smoke it for it's relaxing properties.

Why does one chose to smoke marijuana daily?

Unless you WANT to die there are NO advantages of smoking anything == Advantages are few and far between. For young people, I think frequent use of marijuana interferes with decision-making and discipline to do the things that must be done to progress in life. (that is sort of like me on the computer--I don't get a lot else done when I spend too much time on wiki) There are opinions by some that using marijuana gives you insight into life matters, but truly you can get there unmedicated.<br>In addition, marijuana is no better for your lungs than is smoking.<br>

When did drugs start?

When your mother was a child, she began smoking unspeakable things, such as Marijuana, Cocaine, and Heroine. But as a conclusion, your mother, was the beginning..... :O

If your a non marijuana smoker and kiss a marijuana smoker will a urinary analysis test fail due to traces of marijuana in system?

No, it has to be ingested either by smoking or eating something cooked with weed. Then it is absorbed into fat cells and released in your urine between 1-6 weeks depending on your weight and how many times/how much you have ingested but most things say 3 weeks but ive known people to pass a Drug Test after 1 week of not smoking.

Good things about marijuana?

there will be no problems with people and no problems with your body to =)

Things people usually want to get out of doing?
