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I have never heard of an eco generator. Solar powered generators are good for the eco system and energy efficient. If you are debating on getting a solar generator then I say definitely do it!

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Q: What generator is better eco or solar.?
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Related questions

Where can I find building instructions for an eco power generator?

There are a few websites that can show you how to build eco power generator like: or

Generator Power: A Flexible Solution for Off-Grid Power?

Powering one's off-grid home with solar or wind power is more eco-friendly than using a generator, but when it's cloudy out, the air is still, and the batteries are running low, nothing is better than having a generator ready to keep things running. A generator is always ready to go as long as you have the fuel to power it. By keeping one handy, you don't have to live your life according to the weather.

What are the options in home electricity generators?

One option for getting an electricity power generator for you house can be solar energy, which is efficient and at the same time eco-friendly, but on the downside, it costs quite a bit.

Does anybody know where I can buy a solar generator?

You can buy a solar generator at Goal Zero or at their website. You can also build a solar power generator for under 300 dollars. The instructions are on the How Stuff Works website.

What does a portable solar generator do?

A portable solar generator generates electricity for appliances using solar rays to power the appliances, which is possible due to photovoltaic cells.

Do eco power generators save you much money.?

Eco power generators don't really save you money unless you use a generator more than you use your regular electricity and it runs off water or wind. So really, you should go with solar panels if you want to save money.

What green eco friendly jobs will be most in demand?

eco friendly home design, solar polar enginerring

What is inside a eco friendly house?

an eco friendly house is all about helping the enviourment. a eco friendly house normally has solar panels and wind turbine's.

Does a solar powered generator home exist?

There are solar powered generator homes, but they are often passive solar, meaning they are designed to use the most of the sun's energy in both the summer and the winter.

Is generator used in nuclear or solar energy?

Generators are nearly always used for nuclear power, and sometimes used for solar power. In nuclear power plants, the reactor makes steam to run a generator. Much of solar produced electricity does not use a generator, but produces power through a photovoltaic effect. Concentrated solar can be used to make steam to run a generator.

Using a Solar Generator?

There are a lot of good reasons to use a solar generator to help bolster your energy use. A solar generator does not have to be some massive array that powers your whole house. It can be something as small as a tiny generator that you only use to power your laptop or just your television. There are many different types of solar generators out there that can provide varying levels of electrical output.

Generator is used for solar energy true or false?

True. The generator in that case is the sun.