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The human ABO blood group system is a good example of multiple alleles.

There are three alleles involved: IA, IB and IO.

If a person inherits two IA alleles, or IA and IO, they will be group A. If they inherit two IB alleles, or IB and IO, they will be group B.

If you inherit two IO alleles you will be group O.

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1mo ago

The gene responsible for human blood type (ABO blood group system) is a good example of multiple alleles. There are three alleles for this gene: A, B, and O. Each person inherits two of these alleles, leading to multiple possible blood type combinations (e.g., AA, AO, BB, BO, AB, OO).

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Q: What genes are a good example of multiple alleles?
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How are the genotypes of parents related to the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring?

alleles are variations of genes

Are male genes passed down?

Yes, male genes are passed down through the sperm cells produced by males. These genes are a combination of genetic material from the father and mother, which are passed on to offspring during fertilization.

What is selective breeding in terms of alleles?

Selective breeding is a process where humans choose certain individuals with desired traits to be parents, aiming to pass those traits to offspring. This can lead to changes in allele frequencies in a population over time, as individuals with specific alleles are favored for reproduction. Ultimately, selective breeding can result in the fixation of certain alleles that confer the desired traits.

What is the blood type of person who is heterozygous having A and B alleles codominant?

Blood types is a good example of codominance. There are three alleles for blood type, that can be represented as IA, IB, and i. IA and IB are both dominant to i, but when an individual inherits one of each the former two alleles (IAIB), he or she will have type AB blood. Instead of one allele being straightforwardly dominant to another, or the resulting phenotype being a halfway stage between the two alleles, the phenotype has aspects directly resulting from each allele.

The diversity seen in Darwin and finches is a good example of .?

The diversity seen in Darwin's finches is a good example of adaptive radiation, where a single ancestral species diversifies to fill multiple ecological niches. This phenomenon highlights the role of natural selection in driving evolutionary change and the importance of environmental pressures in shaping the evolution of species.

Related questions

How are alleles and genotypes related?

DNA is composed of long strings of nucleic acid sequences, but not all of them code for proteins. The ones that do are called genes. Alleles are different versions of a certain gene. For example, the gene that codes for blood type has 3 different alleles, A, B, and O. The genes that code for hair and eye color also have many different alleles.

Do good jeans have good genes?

no because genes are something totally different

What are examples of dominant alleles?

Because Tacos are good

Do have good genes for wearing jeans?

no because genes are something totally different

Why are One Direction so cute?

They had good genes (No, not jeans. Genes as in DNA.)

What is the ultimate reason that are different forms of genes called alleles?

Alleles are different forms of genes that arise from mutations in the DNA sequence, resulting in variations in the genetic information carried by a specific gene. These variations may lead to differences in the traits or characteristics encoded by that gene. Ultimately, alleles contribute to genetic diversity within a population and are essential for evolutionary processes.

Do you have good genes for wearing good jeans explain?


What is systems tasks?

A Multi-tasking system is a system that can handle multiple tasks at the same time. Modern operating systems (Windows XP for example) can run multiple programs at the same time, and are a good example of multitasking systems

How do lions benefit from living in prides?

Lions living in prides benefit from increased hunting success through teamwork, as they can coordinate to take down larger prey. Living in prides also provides protection from rival prides and predators, as well as opportunities for social interactions and bonding. Additionally, prides enable lions to secure and defend territories for resources such as food and water.

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A Multi-tasking system is a system that can handle multiple tasks at the same time. Modern operating systems (Windows XP for example) can run multiple programs at the same time, and are a good example of multitasking systems

How are the genotypes of parents related to the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring?

alleles are variations of genes

Do you have good genes for wearing good jeans?

no 'cause genes are your bodies make up and jeans are a long pant clothing articles.