

What genus is a Snake in?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Snakes are a 'sub-order' which is a higher classification than 'genus'. Individual species would be listed under genus.

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Q: What genus is a Snake in?
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Where is a garden snake's habitat?

There's no such species as a 'garden snake' - it's a GARTER snake ! (Genus -Thamnophis)

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Because it eats other snakes that's why its a bit different but its a very docile snake like all of its genus.

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Garter snakes are in the genus 'Thamnophis'. The common garter snake is 'Thamnophis sirtalis'

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If by 'garden snake' you meant Garter Snake (Genus Thamnophis) - then yes. Worms are part of their natural diet.

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The genus species of Thamnophis sirtalis is Thamnophis sirtalis.

Black snake related to the black mamba?

'Black Snake' actually refers to a number of snakes, the whole of Genus Pseudechis is often referred to as 'black snake', and of the 5 or so types of snakes commonly called Black Snake these are the only ones in the familiy Elapidae (same Familiy as the Black Mamba), the Black Mamba is of Genus Dendroaspis. (Simple answer would be 'No'.)

What domain kingdom phylum class order family genus species does snake?

Crotalus cobra

What is Kingdom phylum class order family genus and species of a pine wood snake?

KingdomAnimaliaPhylum:ChordataSubphylum:VertebrataClass:ReptiliaOrder:SquamataSuborder:SerpentesFamily:ColubridaeGenus:RhadinaeaSpecies:R. flavilata

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No snake species evolved from dinosaurs. The earliest snakes did evolve while dinosaurs existed, though. An example is a snake genus called Najash, that lived 90 million years ago.