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There are several factors at work. One of the main components is the Gulf of Mexico, which provides warm moist air, the fuel of thunderstorms. This warm moist air then meets cooler air from Canada and sometimes dry air from the Rockies. This collision often results in the formation of thunderstorms Wind shear then sets the storms rotating, which allows them to produce tornadoes.

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Q: What geographical factors make tornadoes common in tornado alley?
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Does Idaho have tornado?

Idaho can have tornadoes. Tornadoes can happen anywhere in the United States. But tornadoes are more common in Tornado Alley.

What is the geographical location of a tornado?

Tornadoes can occur in many parts of the world, but they are most common in the central region of the United States known as "Tornado Alley." This area includes parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. Tornadoes can also occur in other regions of the world, such as Bangladesh, Argentina, and Australia.

Where in the us are tornadoes more common?

Tornado Alley

Are there tornadoes in Arkansas?

Yes. Tornadoes are very common in Arkansas. It is almost in Tornado Alley.

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No. Most homes do not. Tornado shelters are more common where tornadoes are more common.

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A tornado and a hurricane cannot "combine" as they operate on different scales. It is fairly common for tornadoes to produce tornadoes.

True or false tornadoes only occur in Tornado Alley states?

False. Tornadoes can occur almost anywhere; Tornado Alley is just where strong tornadoes are most common.

Are they tornadoes in ilillinois?

Yes. Tornadoes are fairly common in Illinois. It's almost in Tornado Alley.

What is a tornado's common nickname?

Tornadoes are often called twisters.

What is the synonoym for the word tornadoes?

A common synonym for a tornado is "twister".

Which state has lots of tornadoes but is not in tornado alley?

Though tornadoes are fairly common in many states outside tornado alley, the one with the most is Florida.

When do tornadoes occur in tornado alley?

Tornadoes can occur in Tornado Alley at any time but are most common in the spring and during the late afternoon or early evening.