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Q: What geologic processes that will occur because of the movement of two oceanic crust?
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What processes power the movement of the earth's continental and oceanic plates?

the magma

What geologic feature results when divergence occures between two oceanic plates?

a mid oceanic ridge

What two natural processes also contribute to climate change?

El Nino Tectonic Plate movement - affects oceanic circulation (e.g Gulf Stream)

A geologic feature of divergent plate boundaries in oceanic crust is the formation of?

rift valleys

What processes in animals are stimulated by the movements ofearth'scontinents and oceanic plates?


When two geologic plates are moving away from each other what happens?

When it is two continental plates, new oceanic crust is formed, and when this continues, more oceanic crust is formed between the plates.

What geologic features would you expect to find on the ocean floor near the volcano and earthquake areas on your map?

oceanic trenches

Do oceanic plates move?

the ocean plates move because of the movement of the the tectonic plates beneath the ocean and do to the motion of the oceans currents.

What geologic events occur most often at this mid-oceanic ridge plate boundary?

earthquakes and volcanic eruptions because 2 plates are pushing against each other causing the crust to rise

What is the land forms produced underwater caused by the movement of oceanic plate?

Mid oceanic ridges and deep sea trenches.

What method is used to measure the movement of oceanic plates?

Satellites are used to measure the movement of plate by radiation.

What is the difference between continential and oceanic crust?

oceanic crust is much more dense than continental crust. Oceanic crust is also responsible for the movement of continental crust.