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Q: What geologic theory can be summarized by the present is the key to the past?
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What geologic theory can be summarized by the phrase the present is the key to the past''?

James Hutton discovered the uniformitarianism theory, which states that the earth has changed and is still changing overtime, but very slowly.

What geological theory can be summarized by the phrase the present is the key to the past?

James Hutton discovered the uniformitarianism theory, which states that the earth has changed and is still changing overtime, but very slowly.

Uniformitarianism is succinctly summarized by which phrase?

The key to the past is the present.

The statement the present is the key to the past describes what basic geologic concept or doctrine?

James Hutton discovered the uniformitarianism theory, which states that the earth has changed and is still changing overtime, but very slowly.


Is the principle of geology that suggests Earth's geologic processes acted in the same manner and intensity in the past as they do in the present. Accounts for all geologic change. Shows how layers of sediment collected of Earth's surface. 

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big bang theory

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A possible explanation of something in the past or present

What does 'The present is the key to the past' mean?

This odd-sounding dictum is a summary of Scottish geologist Charles Lyell's idea of uniformatarianism, the idea that geologic processes that are currently occurring are the same processes that occurred in the past. In short, the historical and observable geologic events that are occurring are the 'key' to unlocking the history of the geologic events that have occurred and were recorded in the rock record.

How does uniformitarianism help us understand earths past?

Uniformitarianism (proposed by English geologist Charles Lyell in the 1830s) is the theory that geologic processes that gradually shape Earth are slow and uniform through time. Lyell based his theory on Scottish geologist James Hutton's theory of gradualism, which states that landforms resulted from slow changes over a long time. In other words, uniformitarianism is the belief that natural laws and processes today are essentially the same as they always have been on Earth. "The present is the key to the past."

The informal phrase which summarizes the uniformitarian theory?

"The present is the key to the past" is one of them. i am looking for more but cant seem to find any... hope this helped! :D

A major difference between Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism is?

Uniformitarianism is a principle that geologic processes that occurred in the past can be explained by current geologic processes. So, it is the idea that the same geologic processes that sa and pic just for fun

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