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Q: What geological event does widespread existence of huge masses of sedimentary rock testify?
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What are typical admonitions for a deposition?

Q: Have you ever testified at a deposition before? A: No. Q: Okay. Then before we start, let me give you the standard admonition that we give lay witnesses before they testify. The first thing you need to know is that the oath that you took from the court reporter before we went on the record is the same oath that you would take if you were testifying before a judge and jury at the time of trial. And the meaning of the oath is that you agree to testify truthfully today, to the best of your ability, under penalty of perjury. Do you understand? A: Yes. Q: Alright. At the end of today's session the court reporter will take her [or his] notes and reduce them into a booklet and you will have the opportunity to review that transcript and make any changes you feel are appropriate. I have to caution you that if you make material changes to the transcript, like a "yes" to a "no" or "green" to "red," then the attorneys in this case will be free to comment upon that at the time of trial and that would hurt your credibility as a witness or even be embarrassing to you. So I ask that you listen carefully to the question and try to provide your best testimony. Fair enough? A: Okay. Q. Good deal. Now, as a matter of courtesy to the court reporter, I ask that you please wait until I'm through asking my question before you respond and I'll do my best to wait until you're through answering before I ask my next question . The reason we do it that way is the court reporter can only listen to one of us speaking at any given time and we want to get the best picture of your testimony that we can today. Okay? A: Yes. Q: Fine. Now it's also important while you testify today that you answer my questions with verbal responses, meaning words and sentences. "Uh-huh," Uh-uh," bodily gestures, grunts and groans, that sort of thing, don't translate into a good written record and again we want to get the best picture of your testimony that we can. Understood? A: I understand. Q: Fantastic. During the course of the deposition you can provide me with estimates but I ask that you don't speculate or guess. Do you understand the difference between the concepts?" A: Yes. Q. Are you under the influence of any medication that might affect your ability to recall? A: No. Q: Great, let's get started.

Is there evidence that greenhouse gases cause global warming?

Every single public US science organization, as well as many in other countries and international organizations, concur that anthropogenic (human caused) gasses (such as carbon dioxide) contribute to global warming. Global warming is occurring. That is a fact demonstrated by careful and precise measurements of earth's average temperature over time. Continued melting and retreat of glaciers around the world testify to this fact. The question is, what is man's role in global warming? We know we release billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year through burning fossil fuel. We know much of this carbon was sequestered during the Permian Period, 300 million years ago. We have also measured the increase of carbon dioxide (a "greenhouse" gas) in the atmosphere, and that those rises correspond well with annual sales of coal and oil, which are fairly carefully tracked. The idea that releasing billions of tons of CO2 per year into the atmosphere should have no measurable effect seems a bit ludicrous, even though the total atmosphere is quite heavy. But a fairly successful disinformation campaign has been waged by the oil industry to convince people there is no harm, and to retard efforts to reduce our environmental impact.

Can you eat humuhumunukunukuapua'a?

The Humu Humu Nuku Nuku Apua'A is a reef triggerfish. It eats coral and other invertebrates. The fish is known to bite off pieces of the reef and crush it in its powerful jaws. It then spits out the sand and finds the edible pieces in the debris. It is aggressive with other fish but is shy with humans unless provoked. I managed to get bitten on the thigh by one that was in my catch bag. It was very painful, like the bite of a medium sized dog. Contrary to what I have seen on a few websites, the fish can be eaten as long as it is prepared properly. I have eaten them and can testify that the white flesh tastes similar to a blue-stripe snapper. Its a bit bland, but not bad.

Can it rain and snow at the same time?

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Related questions

Do you get paid to testify?

If you are a qualified expert hired to testify yes. Otherwise no. It is your civic duty to testify if summoned.

What does it mean to have someone testify for or against you?

If you testify against, you argue against them.. If you testify for then, you agree with them and support them

Is the word testify an abstract noun?

No, the word 'testify' is not a noun at all.The word 'testify' is a verb: to give evidence as a witness in a law court.The verb to testify is a word for an action: testify, testifies, testifying, testified.The abstract noun forms of the verb to testify are testimony and the gerund, testifying.

Give you a sentence using the word testify?

She was afraid to testify.

Must you testify if not subpoinaed?

if you are not called into court, you will not have to testify

When was - I want to - Testify created?

- I Wanna - Testify was created in 1967.

Do you have to testify against your boyfriend?

Unless you are married you could be forced to testify. A spouse can not be forced to testify against a husband/wife.

Can a husband testify against his wife and mortgage fraud?

Yes, a spouse can testify but only on a voluntary basis. The spouse can not be compelled to testify.

When was Testify for My Victims created?

Testify for My Victims was created in 2006-12.

Who wrote somebody ought to testify?

I need to know who write Somebody are to Testify

What is a sentence with the word testify?

This word has been recently used as a challenge to express sympathy; i.e, "Testify...".I have been called to testify in court as an expert witness.

Do you have to testify if you are the one on trial?

No, a person on trial for a crime doesn't have to testify if they choose not to do so. In fact, depending on the case, attorneys will often advise their client not to testify.