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A circle.

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Q: What geometrically defined figure has the same shape as a ring donut?
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What is the mathematical term for a donut?

2 consecutive circles ============= As a solid geometric figure, a doughnut shape is called a torus.

What is a Ring shaped geometric figure?

The geometric name for the shape of a Hula Hoop or a smoke ring (which are hollow) is a torus. If the shape is solid, like a donut or a ring, it's called a toroid.

What 3d shape is a wheel?

Wheel is a "Toroid" shape which is like a donut.

How do you make a donut out of chocolate?

You put all the chocolate in a wrapping that is in the shape of a donut and you put it in the fridge.

What 3D shape looks like a donut?

Not sure what you call the hole part, but the part that is taken out of the doughnut (which makes the hole) is called a munchkin.

What is the termed used to described the shape of a red blood cell?

It is a donut shape.

What shape can hold the most weight?

a donut shape will hold the most weight.and also an l shape

Is a spiral a 3d shape?

A spiral is first defined as a flat figure. Sometimes it is used to describe a three dimensional case.

What is the name of the puzzle where all the pieces are the same shape?


How does liquid differ from a gas?

A liquid has no defined shape, but has a defined volume. A gas has no defined shape and no defined volume.

What is a 3D figure with 2 congruent parallel circular bases and 1 curved surface?

A cylinder or half a torus (donut), or a long tubular shape whose ends are lined up so as to be parallel..

How do you change a shape from an oval to a rectangle without removing the oval and inserting a rectangle?

You cannot because, geometrically, the shapes are different.