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Q: What germ layer gives rise to muscles and bones in an embryo?
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What develops from the middle layer of a vertebrate embryo?

bones, muscles, and kidneys

The layer of the embryo gives rise to the tissues of the nervous system by?

by the ectoderm layer

What is the embryonic layer that differentiates into cartilage bones and muscles?

The mesoderm.

What germ layer gives rise to the muscle layer of the uterus?

Mesoderm forms muscles .

What germ layer gives rise to the skeletal muscles?

All from Mesoderm, except the eye muscles that originate from ectoderm

What marks the beginning of germs layer development in an embryo?

Gastrulation marks the beginning of germ layer development in an embryo.

What membranes form a protective sac that surrounds an embryo?

trophoblast cells i.e the outer cells of blastocyst(1st embryonic stage in man) gives rise to amnion chorion allantois and yolk sac the 4 protective layer of embryo and inner cells called embryoblast gives rise to embryo

What develops during gastrulation and will later develop into bone muscle and circulatory structures?

The middle layer is formed during the gastrulation. This layer develops into muscles, bones and blood vessels.

Function of the periosteum?

The periosteum serves as an attachment point for muscles and bones through tendons and ligaments.Periosteum: membrane lining outer surface of bones. Functions: [1] osteoblasts (increase bone width), [2] healing process (after break), [3] nerve endings (sensitive to manipulation), [4] provides nourishment (blood supply).

What organs form from the mesoderm layer in the embryo?


Are cardiac muscles attached to the bones?

No. Cardiac muscles are attached to the pericardium - a layer of tissue that surrounds the heart and the Great Vessels. The sac rests on the diaphragm and is connected by various bits of connective tissue to the thoracic cavity.

8 What structures will each of the 3 germ layers differentiate in to for a developing human embryo?

The ectoderm is the germ layer covering the surface of the embryo and develops into the outer covering of the animal (in our case, our skin) and in some phyla, the nervous system. The mesoderm forms the muscles and most other organs between the digestive tract and the outer covering of the animal. The endoderm, which is the innermost germ layer, lines the developing digestive tube (referred to as the archenteron) and gives rise to the lining of the digestive tract or cavity and organs derived from it, such as the liver and lungs.