

What gives information to the cell?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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8y ago

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The cells have antenna like molecules on outer surface called "receptor". Other molecules from body go and bind to the receptor. Those are called "inducers". Due to this, there is change in shape (scientifically called configuration) of receptor. This initiates a chain reaction type reactions inside cell that causes specific cell response.

Few molecules go directly into cell nucleus and cause gene manipulation.

Few examples of inducers are : Hormones, Cytokines etc.

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The genes found in the chromosomes of the cell nucleus give chemically coded instructions to the cell.

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Because they are complex. The nucleus is the BRAIN of the cell and "tells" the organelles of the cells what to do for their job.

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DNA, the hereditary material of all cells, gives cells the information to carry out life's activities.

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The nucleus.

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Q: What gives information to the cell?
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A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.A cell is a box created by the meeting of a column and a row. The cell addresses are taken from the letters of their columns and numbers of their rows. So the cell in Column D and Row 5 is cell D5. The status bar appears near the bottom of the screen and gives various information about the spreadsheet at that time.

Which part of the animal cell gives its cell the shape?

It is the cell wall which gives the cell a definite shape

What doe the vacoul do in the cell?

Gives the cell nutrients and gives it shape

What does a cell wall for a cell?

gives the cell shape

What a cell wall does for a cell?

gives the cell shape