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Adrenal Glands

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Q: What gland has a medulla derived from ectoderm and a cortex derived from mesoderm?
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Why is the epithelium derived from ectoderm mesoderm endoderm and connective tissue mesoderm only?

Actually ur question is itself not correct so the 'WHY" part cannot be answered. Epithelial tissue is a lining tissue which can be present in any organ.the mesoderm gives rise to organs like-muscles / bones / connective tissue / blood and lymph vessels / kidney / gonads and the cortex of suprarenal glands. ectoderm-nervous system epidermis and so on and endodermto GIT liver lungs pancreas and GIT so for example if u consider the epithelial tissue of lungs----its derived from endodermas lung as a whole is derived from endoderm.

What is the inner region of the adrenal gland?

Adrenal Medulla

What separate the renal cortex from the medulla?

The renal medulla is composed mostly of collecting ducts and the nephron loops. You will not see any glomeruli in the medulla, as they are confined to the cortex. This makes the renal cortex and renal medulla easily distinguishable.

What are the three main regions of the kidney in their correct sequence from outermost to innermost?

renal cortex > renal medulla > renal pelvis1.renal medulla>renal pelvis>renal cortex2.renal medulla>renal cortex>renal pelvis3.renal cortex>renal medulla>renal pelvis4.renal cortex>renal pelvis>renal medulla

What are the zones of the adrenal gland?

There are two parts to the adrenal gland, the outer portion called the Adrenal Cortex, and the inner portion called the Adrenal Medulla.

What are the Sections of the kidney?

cortex, medulla, and pelvis.The substance, or parenchyma, of the kidney is divided into two major structures: superficial is the renal cortex and deep is the renal medulla.cortex and medullaCortex, medulla, and pelvis.

Is the glomerulus the inner portion of the kidney?

No the renal cortex is the outer part of the kidney

What consists if the fibers that surround the medulla.?


What structures is probably not involved in memory amygdala prefrontal cortex hippocampus or medulla?


What does the medulla consist of?

The Hindbrain consists of: -Medulla -Pons -Reticular formation -Cerebellum

How do you describe the cortex and the medulla?

It is a gland that secretes adrenaline to increase body activity.

What are the names of the parts of the hair?

The cuticle, the cortex and the medulla.