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Q: What goals did Jefferson achieve in size of government?
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What goals did Jefferson achieve in reducing the size of government?

Thomas Jefferson reduced the federal budget and kept the dept low.-Almani

how did jefferson simplify the federal goverment?

Jefferson simplified the government by cutting costs, reducing the size of the army, lowering expenses for government and social funding.

What goal did Thomas Jefferson have during his presidency?

reducing the size of the government

Why did Thomas Jefferson reduce the size of the federal government?

If you want an answer too bad

What did Jefferson do to reduce the power of the government?

Jefferson did many things to try to reduce the power of the Federal government. He tried to cut federal budget and reduce federal debt. He decreased the size of government departments. Jefferson decreased the size of the government departments and prompted laissez-faire policies in economic affairs. Then he asked Congress to repeal the whiskey tax.

When did Jefferson reduce the size of government and adopt laissez fair econmic policy?


Jefferson wanted to do what to further republican ideals?

Reduce the size and activities of the federal government

The decision to complete the Louisiana purchase was difficult for president Jefferson because he believed in?

Saving money and limiting the size of government

How did Jeffersons action reflect his theory of government?

Jefferson action in reducing the size of the government helped in the cutting of the wage bill.

What actions did Thomas Jefferson take lower the National debt?

Jefferson streamlined government and increased sales of federal land

How did Washington Adams Jefferson and Madison expand the size and scope of the US Federal Government?

They didn’t expand it, but created it.

Because of its location and size Canada plays an important role?

as a middle power working with other nations to achieve common goals