

What god did the jackals represent?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What god did the jackals represent?
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Which god did jackals represent?

Anubis, the god of funerals.

What god does a jackals represent?

this god was Anubis god of the under world

What god did the jackals represent in ancient Egypt?

well this definition was better than the one before... jackals are ancient Egyptian gods... idk i just wanted the definition and som1 just put something that nobody knows... so now u no its a god... sry

What god was Anubis?

God of embalming, jackals, and funerals. He is not, however, the god of the dead. That is Osiris.

Why jackals become the god of the underworld?

Jackals prowled around cemeteries, so the Ancient Egyptians believed that Anubis watched over the dead.

Why is Anubis a god?

Anubis is the jackal headed god because the saw lots of jackals in cemeteries and they thought he was the god of Mommy's

What is the name of Egyptian's god of the underworld and the afterlife?

Anubis was the god of death and underworld, his head was a jackals because at the time, jackals would eat the unhidden mummies and the jackal was a good animal to represent death Osiris is the god of the Underworld. The difference between the two of them is that Anubis "supervised" the dying process and escorted the dead to the Underworld. Actual control of that realm was relegated to Osiris.

Where were jackals often seen in ancient Egypt?

Jackals are scavenger so they were found near towns and villages in the desert and became associated with the dead and can be found in cemeteries and took on a greater role not only as guardians of the dead in cemeteries but also as the God Anubis.

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The hippos represent the god Taweret.

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What does the font represent?

it represent life in god

When was The Jackals created?

The Jackals was created in 1967.