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The goddess Athena helped Odysseus throughout his journey. She took an interest in his well-being and often intervened to protect and aid him when he found himself in trouble.

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Q: What god helped Odysseus when he was in trouble?
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What goddess helped Odysseus when he was in trouble?


What god helps Odysseus repel Circe's spells?

the god who helped Odysseus repel circes spell would be Hermes the mesenger of the gods.

What is the first thing that Odysseus asks the person who helped him?

"Are you a God or a Mortal?"

Who helped Odysseus while he was at sea and how?

a sea qoddess Actually, Athena helps Odysseus throughout the whole epic. She is on his side through the story, no matter what trouble he finds him in.

Who is the god that Odysseus defeated within troy?

I hope you mean goddess and if you did, then it is Athena who helped Odysseus win. Athena was even on Odysseus' side no matter what till the end where he met his wife again Penelope.

What gods helped Odysseus in book 9?

In book 9 of the Odyssey, Odysseus is helped by Zeus, who sends a storm to punish the men who harmed Odysseus. The goddess Athena assists Odysseus by providing him with guidance and disguising him to protect him from danger. Attendees also receive aid from the wind god Aeolus, who gives Odysseus a bag of winds to help him on his journey home.

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He helped people more than one time but helped Odysseus a mortal god to sail back with wind home safely

What is a summary of Cattle of the Sun God?

The Cattle of the Sun God was a story from the Odyssey where Odysseus's men get in trouble because the eat the Cattle that happen to be sacred to Helios, the Ancient Greek God of the sun.

Who helped Odysseus build a raft?

Calypso helped Odysseus build his raft.

What is the Roman god for Odysseus?

Odysseus was not a god, but the Romans called him Ulysses.

What has had the biggest influence on the route Odysseus takes home?

Shortly after leaving Troy on his way home Odysseus has a run in with the Cyclops Poylphemus - who wants to eat most of Odysseus' crew. Odysseus isn't happy about this, he plays a trick on Polyphemus which ends up with Polyphemus blind and Odysseus escaping with most of his crew uneaten. The trouble is: Polyphemus is the son of Poseidon, and Poseidon is the god of the ocean. If you are plannning a major sea voyage, it is a good idea not to annoy the god of the ocean before you start. The god of the ocean can make big trouble for people on ships. Poseidon is the biggest influence on the route Odysseus takes home - Poseidon doesn't want Odysseus to arrive, and does everything in his power to make things difficult for him. If you are a god of the ocean, and the chap you don't like is on a ship - there is a lot you can do to annoy him.

Why is Odysseus having so much trouble getting home after the war?

Because Poseidon cursed him and refuses to let him home. Odysseus had blinded Poseidon's son, Polyphemus the Cyclops, and bragged about it, inciting anger in the god.