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Q: What good things did the commonwealth do?
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Related questions

What two things contributed to the collapse of commonwealth?

Please specify which commonwealth you are referring to.

What is covered by commonwealth insurance?

The things that are covered by Commonwealth insurance are things such as getting into a car accident, house burning down, and hospital stays when a person is sick.

How old is the commonwealth?

It really depends upon which commonwealth you are referring to . As commonwealth refers to a country formed for the greater good the oldest commonwealth in existence is the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which lasted from 1569 to 1795 does that answer your question?

What sports are Dominica good at in the Commonwealth Games?

Dominica is good at the Athletics events but sadly they are yet to win a Commonwealth Games medal.

What sports are Ghana good at in the commonwealth games?

They are good at football.

What does a country gain from the Commonwealth?

good governance

Is it a good choice to represent India as the host of the Commonwealth Games 2010?

First tell me who created the commonwealth games?

Is Virginia commonwealth a good school?

eff yes it is.

What is Australia's form of leadership?

According to our good friends at America's Central Intelligence Agency, the Commonwealth of Australia currently enjoys a federal parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm.

A republican government based on the common good of all the people?


What is the Commonwealth?

The British Commonwealth is an obsolete name for what is now called the Commonwealth of Nations. It is an association of some 54 independent, sovereign nations, most (but not all) of whom were once part of the British Empire

How do you arrange to participate in the Commonwealth Game?

Live in a country that participates in the Commonwealth Games.Select a sport that is played in the Commonwealth Games.Become very good at that sport.Win the appropriate competitions in your country to be named to your country's team for that sport in the Commonwealth Games.Participate in the GamesORGo to the location of the GamesBuy ticketsParticipate as a member of the crowd watching the games.