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cement, soft drinks and juice, beers, clothes, plastic goods

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Q: What goods or products does Congo produce?
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Who produces the goods and services in Switzerland?

company's produce products such as snowboards

What are capitalized goods?

CAPITAL GOODS include machinery and tools which are used to produce other products for consumption.They are also refferd as 'means of production' or producers' goods!Capital goods are used to produce other goods and services more efficiently

What does it mean when economist says that an area specializes in producing certain products?

They use their resources to produce a limited range of goods.

What goods and services should an economy produce?

products sale money and life finance

What were some of the products or goods that the Bedouins trade?

The Bedouins traded grain and other sedentary produce

What are Colorado's famous products?

Colorado produces a good number of items. Of those, some of the popular ones would include lamb, beef, and produce. In terms of consumer goods, they also produce solar products and software products.

What industries produce goods in Louisiana?

soybeans,cotton,sugarcane,poultry,eggs,dairy products,and rice

What 2 goods did the Georgia colony produce?

Rice and indigo were the two main products of the Georgia colony.

Congo rainforest products?

what are you asking

Did China produce goods?

Yes, China did produce goods.