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Q: What gospel contains most stories about women?
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Which gospel contains the most references to the Old Testament?

----------------------- Matthew's Gospel contains the most references to the Old Testament, so much so that some believe that it could only have been written for Jews.

Which gospel has half of the recorded miracles of Jesus although it is shortest?

Mark's Gospel is the shortest of the Gospels. Because it was the major source document used by the authors of Matthew and Luke, it also contains many of the miracles attributed to Jesus. However, some of the most impressive miracle stories were written later, including the resurrection of Lazarus in John chapter 11.

Was Matthew's Gospel written in chronological order?

Matthew's Gospel contains around 600 of the 666 verses from Mark's Gospel and was written in the same order as Mark. In this respect, the Gospel of Matthew agrees with Luke. Some sayings material was inserted into Matthew at various points, from the hypothetical 'Q' document, but not necessarily at the same points as Luke, when it uses the same material form Q.As far as the author of Matthew could establish, the Gospel was written in chronological order.AnswerNo. Luke's is the only Gospel meant to present a historical work "in order" (Luke 1:3). Most of his stories fall in chronological sequence.

What chapter of the New Testament contains the most names of Jesus?

Probably, Matthew due to him having the biggest gospel out of the 4 gospels.

What did Bob Dylan write his songs about?

They were mostly folk songs so he wrote most of his songs about stories

Which gospel has the most chapters?

The gospel of Matthew has the most chapters.

What gospel shows that Jesus thought of everyone as equal?

This is a theme in all 4 Gospels but it is most clearly displayed in Jesus's treatment of the outcasts and women that is highlighted by Luke.

Why was the panchatantra important?

Because it is a rich collection of brief stories of ancient times. It also contains some of the most important collections of short stories in the world, and these have reached us in translation from language to language down the centuries.Hope this helped. :* #kawaiigirlnextdoor.

What was the most influential role of women in things fall apart?

The most influential role of women in "Things Fall Apart" is as caretakers and preservers of the Igbo culture. They maintain the traditions, pass down stories and knowledge, and uphold the community's customs. Women also have a powerful influence in shaping the actions and decisions of the male characters in the novel.

Who was the most influential proponent of the Gospel in the first century?

No doubt, Paul was the most influential proponent of the Christian gospel in the first century.

What does Martin Luther call the Most Holy Gospel?

The true treasure of the church is the most holy gospel of the glory and grace of God.

Whose gospel has the most number of chapter?

Matthew has twenty-eight chapters,which is the most of all the gospels.