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Q: What gospel what Jesus birth mentioned?
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How many times in Mary mentioned int he gospel of Luke?

Mary is mentioned 12 times in the gospel of Luke. She plays a prominent role in the infancy narratives surrounding the birth and early life of Jesus.

How many times was the birth of Jesus mentioned in the Bible?

Jesus' birth was mentioned 50 times in the bible.

Where is the birth of Jesus mentioned in the Bible?

AnswerThe birth of Jesus is mentioned in Matthew 1:25 and Luke 2:7.

How many times is Jesus Christ mentioned in the gospel of mark?


Which gospel writer did not include accounts of Jesus birth?

AnswerThe earliest of the New Testament gospels, now known as Mark's Gospel, did not include an account of the birth of Jesus. THese accounts were added by the authors of Matthew and Luke.The author of John knew Luke's account of the birth of Jesus, but did not include it in his gospel. In fact, he suggests that he did not even believe that Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

Where in the Bible is Jesus mentioned the most?

Jesus is mentioned the most in the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Of the gospel books -- the name of Jesus is mentioned in the book of John more than another other book.

Why is the virgin birth not in Mark's Gospel?

A:Mark's Gospel was the first New Testament gospel to be written and yet contained no reference to the birth of Jesus. In the view of John Shelby Spong (Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus), neither birth story, in Matthew and Luke, contains any historical truth. Spong points out that many religions of the Mediterranean region had stories of the virgin births of their gods and godmen. The first gospel reference to the virgin birth of Jesus is in Matthew's Gospel, which refers to the Book of Isaiah as a prophecy of the birth, however Spong does not believe the author took the idea of a virgin birth from Isaiah, but that he found it useful.From this we can see that the virgin birth of Jesus was an idea that had not yet arisen at the time Mark's Gospel was written.

Is there any evidence that Jesus was born 25 12?

No. The gospel accounts of Jesus' birth do no mention any season.

Which gospels records Jesus turning water into wine?

The Gospel of John is the Gospel that records the miracle of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana.

Where was Joseph during crucifixion?

A:Joseph is not even mentioned in the first gospel to be written, Mark's Gospel, and only appears in Matthew and Luke for the nativity and childhood years of Jesus. Otherwise there is no mention of him in the gospels. Some say that he must have died shortly after the birth of Jesus. However, it would have to have been after Jesus was 12 because he is mentioned being lost by Mary and Joseph in Luke 2.A:Joseph is thought to have been dead by the time of the crucifixion since Jesus handed the care of his mother Mary to one of the disciples before he died.

What are the stories that contain a geneaology of Jesus and the events surrounding his conception and birth?

The Gospel of Matthew.

When did Zeus give birth to Jesus?

Zeus is a god of the ancient Greek pantheon and is not mentioned in the Bible. The Bible says that Mary gave birth to Jesus.