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Depends on the graffiti...if its in terms of art or vandalism...there is a difference. i think what makes it popular is in terms of expression. People express themselves in different ways and it takes a true artist to tie all this together. One of my all time favorite street/graffiti artists is Phetus.

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Q: What graffiti does to the community?
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What can be an issue in a community?

littering and doing graffiti.

What are the effects of graffiti?

make your community look bad and plus it traps ozone

What happens when you get caught doing graffiti?

you get finedthen you have to clean itafter that you have to do community servicedont do graffiti

Where can do graffiti online?

you can do graffiti on graffiti on graffiti playdo????????????????????????????????????

Why graffiti should be banned?

no because it shows people fealings and its how they express them selfs

Are Paradox and munch are good graffiti names?

Yes, Paradox and Munch can be good graffiti names as they sound catchy and memorable. It's important to choose a name that represents your style and personality as a graffiti artist. Just make sure to avoid using names that are already well-known in the graffiti community to maintain originality.

Do you believe in graffiti?

Yes, graffiti is real. Usually, gangs do graffiti.

Why is graffiti a cime?

graffiti is not a crime.

How do you do light graffiti on photobucket?

i don't think you can light graffiti on photobucket but there is some light graffiti apps and websites to make light graffiti.

What is the difference between vandalism and graffiti?

graffiti is

Do you have to have a permit to do graffiti in Melbourne's graffiti lanes?

Just the owner of the building with graffiti on it needs a permit, not the artist.

How do you save a graffiti on graffiti creator?

press save