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Q: What grandmother murdered her family so she could rule the Jewish nation?
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Why is the exodus important to Jewish people?

It marks the transition of the Israelites from a family into a distinct nation.

The only Jewish nation in the world is?

Isreal is the only Jewish nation in the world.

How did the Hebrews become the Jewish nation?

Through the events of the Exodus and the Giving of the Torah, God now considered (and spoke of) the Israelites as a nation, instead of an extended family (as they had been until then).

What country is the only Jewish nation?

Israel has about 75% Jewish population.

What is jewdaisem?

Judaism is what the Jewish nation is

What is the nation formed by the US as a homeland for the Jewish people?

The US did not form any homeland for the Jewish people. The only nation the US has formed is the US. Nor is a nation a homeland.

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role of family in nation building

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What was the name of the agreement that marked the beginning of Jewish history?

I believe this is the convenant that God made with Abraham to make of Abraham's family a great nation.

Why is Abraham a important Jewish figure?

Avraham was the first person to intuitively follow the Torah and accept HaShem. He was also one of the three forefathers of the Jewish Nation.

What were the parts of a Jewish region?

The philosophy, culture, ideals, society, standards, ethnicity, and history of Judaism are based on a family that lived in what is now the state of Israel. Early in their history, they left that area as a family, and returned after a time as a nation.

What nation in the world has the largest jewish population?
