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(Archduke Ferdinand). The first world war.

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Q: What great event did the death of archduke lead to?
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What war did Archduke Francis Ferdinand's death lead to?

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How did 2 bullets lead to 20 million deaths?

These were the two bullets that were fired to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His death sparked World War I.

What event ultimately lead to starting World War 1?

Many conditions for war had been stacking up over the previous century. The final straw that lead to war was the July, 1914 assassinations of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife.

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What was the reason that lead to world war 1?

Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.

Why did murder lead to war in 1914?

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria in 1914 was the murder, Serbia and Austria declared war, and the Great War or WWI was the result.

What major factor lead to the outbreak of the war in 1914?

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

What impact did Archduke Francis Ferdinand had?

The assassination was one of the reasons that lead to ww1

Who decides the facts that lead to a death sentence?

The jury in a jury trial. In the event of a bench trial, the trial judge.

How did murder lead to World War 1?

The assassination (political murder) of Archduke Franz Ferdinand lead to the start of WW I.

Why did the death of Archduke Francis Ferdinand lead to World War I?

his assasination lead to austro-hungarian empire declaring war on serbia. the allied powers stood with serbia in the war and the central powers (germany) austro-hungary. causing world war 1.