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The water is slightly acid by atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolved into it when it fell as rain, and although this carbonic acid is very weak, it is sufficient to dissolve the calcium carbonate that makes up limestone and marble.

To get at the rock it seeps through the joints and other breaks in the rock mass.

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โˆ™ 11y ago
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โˆ™ 11y ago

That indeed is how caves develop in limestone. The solvent is rain-water weakly acidified by having absorbed atmospheric carbon-dioxide. This may be augmented by organic acids from the soil, but the Carbonic Acid is the primary reagent.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

Yes, indeed. Carbonic acid is a solution of atmospheric carbon-dioxide in rain-water, and it dissolved the calcium carbonate that is limestone's main constituent.

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โˆ™ 7y ago

Thiss groundwater absorb carbon dioxide - carbonic acid is formed which dissolve lime.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

Dissolution of the rock by water.

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Q: What ground water dissolves the limestone rock in a cave formation?
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Why does limewater disslove in rainwater?

Limewater IS dissolved in water. Limestone dissolves in water because the mineral calcite it comprises of is soluble. This is why limestone dissolves in water.

What are limestone caves?

Limestone caves are formed by the dissolution of limestone rocks over thousands of years due to the chemical reaction of rainwater and carbon dioxide. This process creates underground caverns and passages with unique formations such as stalactites and stalagmites. Limestone caves are often popular tourist attractions due to their natural beauty and geological significance.

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Grikes in limestone primarily form due to water erosion rather than wind erosion. Water seeping into the limestone gradually dissolves and widens vertical joints and fractures, creating the grikes. Wind can contribute to weathering and desiccation of the limestone, but it is not the primary agent responsible for the formation of grikes.

Is a cave formed when carbonic acid dissolves underground limestone?

Yes, caves are formed when carbonic acid, which is created by the reaction of water with carbon dioxide, dissolves underground limestone. Over time, the dissolved limestone is carried away by water, creating large openings and chambers that we call caves.

Stalagmites grow from?

Cave floors, by the precipitation of calcite dissolved in ground-water passing through the limestone's joints above the formation.

Is the formation of stalactite and stalagmite in the cave of Jeita physical or chemical change?

Not really, it's more of evaporation. Rain water percolating through the earth laid over a limestone bedrock dissolves the limestone. The lime-water drips through cracks and forms caves. Evaporation of the drips leaves behind a tiny amount of limestone, that slowly forms the stalactites and stalagmites.

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limestone dissolves away through the action of water.

Why does water go underground at malham?

because limestone which is what Malham cove is made of is a special rock and dissolves with water so the water seeps through caves under ground and eventually the water hits impermeable rock and is forced through a gap in the ground.

What type of rock is usually present in areas with a lot of caves?

Limestone is the type of rock that is commonly found in areas with a lot of caves. Limestone is made of calcium carbonate, which is soluble in water. Over time, as rainwater seeps into the ground, it dissolves the limestone and creates openings and caves in the rock.

What type of rock travels in liquid form?

Limestone dissolves in water and travels.

How does carbonic acid help form caves?

As ground-water it dissolves the calcium carbonate that is limestone's primary mineral, in its flow through the rock's joints, bedding-planes and faults.