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The answer to this question would be 'women'.

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Q: What group could be described for the first time in the 1920s with the terms flapper and wage-earner and voter?
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What group could be described for the first time in the 1920s with the terms flapper wage-earner and voter.?

The answer to this question would be 'women'.

Who could be considered a flapper in the 1920s?

Young women of the 1920's who defied traditional rules of conduct and dress. generally a liberal bases of women.

What dance do you dance to with the flapper?

I am a dancer and you could wear a flapper for jazz or tap. It is probably more commen to wear a flapper for a high energy Jazz dance!

Where can you buy a Flapper dress?

One could purchase a Flapper dress online on various websites. The most popular and therefore recommended websites are 'Amazon', 'Unique-Vintage' and 'Ebay'.

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It could be described as the first bird.

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They could be described as prime ministers.

Was the radio invented in th e1920s?

the radio was not invented in the 1920s, but it came out in the 1920s when people could buy them

Is a flapper and a gold digger the same thing?

A flapper would be more anachronistic in today's society since they were women who partied in the 1920s. A gold digger is a woman who married into money, a-la Anna Nicole Smith, or someone who dates rich men. The two could be the same, but flappers were more the partying type. ____ Flappers could be a gold digger, but a gold digger might not be a flapper. Flapper was a style - after WW1 women who were flappers were regarded as "a new breed of women" bold, adventurous, flirty. They wore short skirts (which scandalised proper society), smoked, drank, danced, listened to jazz, thumbed their noses at what was expected of them. In short they were free spirited, and pushed the boundaries of what society expected of women. Traditionally, women's roles were very strictly defined as being a wife and mother, nothing more. Flappers said no to this and lived life as they saw fit. So no, being a Flapper did not mean you were a gold digger. While some may have been, the great majority of flappers just wanted to have fun.

A Roaring Twenties Halloween?

A flapper costume is a unique idea for Halloween and relatively simple to put together inexpensively. The most important part of a flapper look is, of course, the hair. A woman or girl who has short hair can simply style it in a bob with a round brush and hair dryer. A pin-curl style can be achieved with gel and large, long clips to hold the hair in place until it dries. Women and girls with longer hair will need a wig to achieve a proper flapper look. A short dress with spaghetti straps and a dropped waist is ideal for a flapper costume, but the most important things are the straps and a skirt that ends above the knees. A summer sundress could be utilized for the costume. Thrift stores and consignment stores carry inexpensive vintage dresses. There are four accessories that must accompany the dress in order to complete the costume. A flapper needs a long string of beads that can be tied. This item would be easy to find in a thrift store. A flapper also must have a headband to tie so that it fits low across the forehead. Thrift stores and department stores carry scarves that could be utilized as headbands, and beads for embellishments can be purchased cheaply in craft stores. A flapper should have strappy shoes with a little heel, but flat Mary Janes could be worn as well. Finally, a flapper must have her stockings rolled down below her knees. The stockings may be a bit trickier to find. Department stores might carry suitable stockings but a visit to a costume shop may be in order to get just the right style. Flappers need dark lipstick and white face powder for an authentic 1920s look. While not absolutely necessary, a wristlet purse would be a charming and suitable accessory for a flapper. To ward off the October chill, a fringed shawl from a thrift store would be acceptable for the flapper costume. For a woman looking for an unusual and sexy Halloween costume, the flapper is an ideal theme.

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