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The Marthas

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Heather joins the Marthas, a group of popular girls focused on social status and parties, which prompts her to distance herself from Melinda. Heather wants to be accepted by the Marthas and feels Melinda is pulling her down, leading her to choose popularity over friendship.

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Q: What group does Heather join that prompts her to dump Melinda in the book Speak?
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How did heather abandon melinda in the book speak?

In Laurie Halse Anderson's novel "Speak," Heather abandons Melinda by choosing to prioritize her social status and popularity over their friendship. Heather becomes drawn to a new group of friends who belittle Melinda, leading Heather to distance herself from Melinda and leave her feeling isolated and betrayed.

Who is heather in the novel speak?

Heather is a new student and Melinda's first friend at Merryweather High School in the novel "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson. She is portrayed as outgoing and eager to fit in with the popular crowd, eventually drifting away from Melinda as she tries to maintain her social status.

From the book Speak identify Melinda's former clan and explain what happened to it?

In the book "Speak," Melinda's former clan was the Marthas. The Marthas were a group of popular girls who used to be Melinda's friends, but they turned against her after she called the police at a party. As a result, the group disbanded, and Melinda was left isolated and ostracized.

Why are the Marthas important in the story Speak?

In the story "Speak," the Marthas represent a group of girls who follow the popular norms and hierarchy within the high school. They serve as a contrast to the protagonist, Melinda, who is an outcast after calling the police at a party. Through their interactions with Melinda, the Marthas exemplify the pressures of conformity and the challenges of navigating social dynamics in adolescence.

What is Heather like in the book Speak?

she is very proper and since she has just moved to this school, shes trying very hard to fit in. she wants to join the "marthas" which is a group of girls who are very involved in community services. she is nothing like melinda even though she doesnt have many friends either.

What happens to melinda at the summertime party in the book speak?

Melinda gets into a confrontation with a group of girls who bully her, leading to a physical altercation where she punches one of them in self-defense. The incident results in her losing the little social standing she had left in school.

What clique does Melinda try to fit in with in the book speak?

In the book Speak, Melinda initially tries to fit in with the popular clique, which is led by a student named Rachel. However, she faces rejection and isolation from this group after she called the police at a party they were attending. Melinda eventually finds solace and acceptance in the art club clique, led by her new friend, David Petrakis.

What is the storyline of the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson?

"Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson tells the story of a high school freshman named Melinda who becomes an outcast after calling the police to break up a party where she was raped. The novel follows Melinda's journey as she navigates the trauma and isolation she experiences, ultimately finding her voice and healing.

What is the second largest group in the world?

the group of people that thinks heather poole is awsome!!

What happens at school that ruins Melinda's shirt?

Melinda's shirt is ruined at school when a group of students intentionally spills punch on her, leading to an embarrassing and traumatic experience for her.

What clique did heather belong to?

Heather was part of the popular clique known as the Heathers in the movie "Heathers". She was the leader of the group and was known for her mean and manipulative behavior.

Why is outcast capitalized in the book Speak?

The word "Outcast" is likely capitalized in the book "Speak" to emphasize its importance and to convey the isolated and marginalized status of the character or group being referred to as outcasts. Capitalization can be used for stylistic or thematic purposes in literature to draw attention to key themes or concepts.