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Q: What group number contains only gases?
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What is the group on the periodic table that contains only nonmetals?

Noble gases group has only non metals.It is group 18 on the periodic table.Noble gases includes helium,neon and xenon.

Which period table group are made up of only gases?

The first period or row contains only elements that are gases at standard temperature and pressure.

Which groups of elements contains only noble gases?

This is the group 18 of the periodic table of Mendeleev.

What group of elements contains only nobel gasses?

Periodic column 18 or VIII contains only noble gases. None of them have won a Nobel prize.

What group on the periodic table contains the most nonreactive nonmetals?

The very last group. These have a full set of electrons in their valance shell and will therefore not react easerly. What i mean by very last is the group starting with helium and ending in radon

What is the name of the group on the periodic table that only contains nonmetals called?

Group 17 and 18 both contains non metals.Group 17 is called Halogens.Group 18 is called Noble Gases.

What is the group name in which helium is found?

Helium is a Noble Gas in Group O.

How many groups in the periodic table contain 2 gases?

At a pressure of 1 atmosphere and 20 deg C, only one group (17) contains exactly 2 gases.

Why are the elements helium argon and neon called inert gases?

As we all know that noble gases are also called INERT GASES, so the subgroup VIII of GROUP 'A' contains only noble gases and inert gases so helium and neon are also in VIII-A so they are inert gases.

In which group are the elements gases at room temperature?

There is no method to designate such properties. Only symbols with atomic number are mentioned.

What makes xenon special?

It is the only known element whose atom contains 54 protons. There are other elements in the same group and in the same period, there are other gases, and so on.

What is the only nonmetal in group 14?

Carbon (C)