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Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor. So people felt scared that Japanese and Japanese Americans in the US could try to hurt the country from within. So the US gov put them into detention camps.

This fear is similar to today concerning fear of Muslims.

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Q: What group of Americans did the us place in relocation camps during world war 2?
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Why were Japanese sent to relocation camps?

We were at war with Japan and thought that they may be spying on the US.The Japanese Americans were sent to the relocation camps because the Americans suspected that there were spies in that particular group.

What group of Americans was put into camps during most of World War 2?

Japanese Americans

What group was put into camps during World War 2?

Japanese-Americans .

During World War 2 which group was forced to uproot and move to American relocation centers?

Japanese-Americans .

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What group was closed into closed camps during World War 2?

Japanese Americans $$$ APEX $$$

Which racial group was interred in concentration camps on US soil?

Actually, several. The most commonly referred to as being interred would have been Japanese Americans during WWII. Some Germans were detained during WWI and WWII. And, lest we forget, the Native Americans have been held on reservations for about 150 years--the term "concentration camp" generally refers to the relocation and death camps of Nazi Germany during WWII; Hitler actually borrowed the American idea of NA reservations, and actually called the first camps reservations when they were first opened.

Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps during World War 2 because?

We were at war with japan and thought that they may be spying on the US.The Japanese Americans were sent to the relocation camps because the Americans suspected that there were spies in that particular group.

Which group of American citizens was subjected to the greatest loss of their constitutional rights during world war 2?

Americans of Japanese descent, those sent to containment camps.

Which group was treated most harshly by the us government during world war 2?

Take your pick: Jews, homosexuals, Eastern Europeans, the Chinese, general civilians... Acually the answer is the Jews in the European Theatre, and the American prisoners of War in the Pacific Theatre of War. The Japanese did NOT participate in the Geniva Convention, so they treated their prisoners horribly.

Was Mauthausen a labor camp during the Holocaust?

Mauthausen was a group of exceptionally harsh concentration camps in Austria. (Other well known camps in the group included Ebensee and Gusen).

Which group of American citizens were locked up by the US government in relocation camps during World War 2?

120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry were taken away of their homes, belongings and everything they had worked for but told to pack up and leave. They were put in detention centres and camps in 1941 after Pearl Harbor and didn't get out till the end of the war 1944-45. There was also a small number of Americans of German and Italian ancestry that were locked up but not as long as the Japs and not as many. The reason for locking them up was because they said they were the enemy and saying that a 'Jap is a Jap'. The media created these negative stereotypes.