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Q: What group of cells form a rectangle on the screen?
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A group of cells that touch each other and form a rectangle is called?

A group of cells that touch each other and form a rectangle is called a range. These selected cells are adjacent to each other.

A group of selected cells that form a rectangle is called a?


What does a group of cells of the same type form?

a group of cells of the same type is called a tissue a group of tissues of the same type is called an organ system

Which term describes a group of cells that are similar and work?

Tissue describes a group of similar cells.

What is a group of cell that form a rectangle called in excel?

The group of cell to farm a rectangular in ms excel is called list

How do cells form into to organs?

cell make organs through these steps 1. cell 2. tissue- group of cell carrying out a specific function 3. organs- group of tissues carrying out a specific function so as you can see cells form organs through these steps.

What different cells are arranged to form what?

a group of cells forms a tissue. tissues form organs. and organs form organ systems

What do organs form?

Organs are formed by groups of specialized tissues working together to carry out specific functions in the body. They are made up of different cell types that are organized into structures with specific shapes and functions. Organs work together in organ systems to perform essential tasks that keep the body functioning properly.

Is a group of similar cells performing the same function eight Or is a group of similar cells performing the same function eight a organ?

A group of cells working together form a tissue. Different tissues working together form an organ.

What are tissue made of?

Tissue are made up of cells. Group of cells form tissue.

What is a group of similar cells that perform a common functions?

A group of similar cells that perfrom a common function form a tissue. A group of similar tissues that perform a common function form an organ, organs form organ systems, and organ systems form organisms.

A group of cells that perform a specific function are called?

A group of similar cells working together form a tissue.