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Q: What group of different populations of organisms is called a?
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What is a group of different populations of organisms living in the same tropical rain forest that interact with each other?

a community

Define community in science?

Many different populations, group of the same living organisms, living together.

How are organisms populations communities and ecosystems different?

a group of organisms of the same species that interbreed among themselves and live in a determined area are called a population and different populations that live in a determined area form a community. Example: species-> House cat population-> House cats of San Fernando Valley community-> all the house pets of San Fernando Valley

All the organisms that live together in an area?

Group of one species living together is called population. Group of populations living in an area is called community. Group of populations living in an area plus the environment around them is called ecosystem.

What is a group of organisms that can interbreed successfully called?

Populations of the same species can successfully interbreed. Humans are a good example of this happening in the real world.

What is it called when a group of organisms of different species live in the same area?


What is the term for a group of different populations that loves in the same geographic area?

I think it's called a community

What is A group of populations is called?

A community.

What do you call a group of organisms of a single species that live in the same area at the same time?

A group of organisms of the same species is called a population. A group of different species living together is called a community.

What is the number of different organisms in an ecosystem called?

A population is a group of one species living in an environment. A community is a collection of these populations, and an ecosystem is the interactions of this community and the environment (biotic and abiotic factors).

Is a community a group of different populations?

Yes it is.

What is a group of populations living in the same environment?

A group of populations that live together is called a community.