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Q: What group of elements has the smallest atomi radii?
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What element has the smallest radii?

A hydrogen atom has the smallest radii.

What happens to the atomic radii of the elements as a group is descended?

As we descend down the group, the atomic radii increases. This is because the number of shells increases.

What group of elements have members of the smallest atomic radii for a given period?

Noble gases have the smallest atomic radius.

In the alkaline earth group atoms with the smallest radii are?

they are most reactive

What is the relationship between the atomic numbers and ionic radii of the elements in the group 3A?

I think that the ionic radii decrease

What are on the periodic table is the greatest in atomic radii?

group 1 elements

What is the name of the effect that is responsible for differences in atomic radii between elements in the same group?


What is the name of the effect that is responsible for difference in atomic radii between elements in the same group?


The elements with the smallest atomic radii are found in the?

The elements with the smallest atomic radii are found in the top of the P block of the periodic table. Helium (He) has the smallest atomic radius. Francium, on the other side of the periodic table (very bottom of the S block), has the largest atomic radius.

Of the following which has smallest atomic radius sulfur aluminum sodium barium?

Atomic radii become larger as you go from top to bottom of the periodic chart, but they get smaller as you go from left to right. Therefore, the elements with the smallest radii are in the upper right hand corner. Of S, Al, Na, and Ba, sulfur is the closest to the upper right corner and has the smallest radius of those elements.

What elements has the smallest atomic size K Ca Na Ar or Kr?

Ar, using the table of atomic radii in wikipedia.

How are period and group trends in atomic radii are related to electron configuration?

The atomic radius decreases along the elements across a period. Along a group, there is an increment in the atomic radius of corresponding elements.