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The alkali metals in group 1 react by losing one electron.

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Q: What group of elements react by losing one electron?
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Will Lithium Sodium or Potassium react the fastest?

As it has more electron shells between the nucleus and the outermost electron, and as group 1 elements react by losing there outermost electron, the more shielding effect between the nucleus and the electron, the smaller the force of attraction on the electron, so the more readily it will react as less energy is needed to break the bond between the outer electron and the positive nucleus.

Why group 1 elements become positive after they react with other elements?

because they almost always give away a valance electron during bonding

What do elements in the same group in the periodic table have in common?

They have the same number of valence electrons, or electrons in the outer electron shell. This allows them to react with certain elements.

What is the family of elements that react readily with metals?

The family of elements that react readily with metals is the halogens. This group includes elements such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. Halogens are highly reactive nonmetals that readily form compounds with metals by gaining an electron to achieve a stable electron configuration.

How do you use periodic table to know the numbers of electrons available for bonding?

All of the elements, apart from the transition metals in the middle, are divided into groups. Group 1 elements have 1 electron in their outer shell, and this is the electron used in bonding. Group 2 have 2 electrons, Group 3 elements have 3, and so on. Group 8 elements have a full outer shell, so they generally don't react.

In which region of the periodic table do the elements NOT normally react chemically with other elements?

The noble gases, located in Group 18 of the periodic table, do not normally react chemically with other elements. They have a stable electron configuration with a full outermost energy level, making them highly unreactive.

What is special about the elements in the same group?

elements are in the same group since they react similarly to other elements in that group.

What are halgens?

Any of the group of non metallic elements, fluorine, bromine, chlorine, iodine and astatine. They are missing an electron from their outer most shell and react with most elements to form salts

What elements in group 7 will react with water?

all will react

Why group 17 elements are strong non metals while group 1 elements are strong metals?

All elements tend to react with other elements so as to attain a noble gas electronic configuration in their ions, because such a configuration usually has the lowest energy for a particular atom or ion, other factors being equal. The drive to form such an ion is strongest when the electron configuration of an elemental atom differs from the closest noble gas configuration by only one electron, and this criterion is true for both group and group 17 elements: Group 1 elements can attain a noble gas electron configuration by donating one electron to another atom, and Group 17 elements can attain a noble gas configuration by accepting one electron, thereby filling their valence shell.

What is the part of the periodic table that has elements that do not chemically react?

All of them tend not to react with each other until you get lower down the group

Which group of elements will never react with other elements and what is the name of that group?

Noble Gases