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The noble gases: helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. (The question is technically deficient, because no metal is a gas at standard temperature and pressure, so that the word "other" in the questions makes it technically unanswerable.)

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Q: What group of gases do not normally react with other metals?
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Are Group 8A element unreactive elements known as transition metals?

Group 8A, also known as group 18, are very non-reactive. However, they are all gases, not transition metals. Transition metals are the large family of elements in the middle of the table in between groups 2 and 13 (2A and 3A). Group 8A are the noble gases.

Name for the family of non-metals that do not react with other elements?

The Noble Gases. They have all of their electron spots filled in the ring that they are using. Making them stable.

Another name for a group of elements that have similar properties?

The groups each have different names. Group one is made up of Alkali Metals (except for Hydrogen). Group two is made of Alkali Earth Metals. The other groups include Transition Metals, Noble Gases, Poor Metals and Non Metals.

In which region of the periodic table do the elements NOT normally react chemically with other elements?

The noble gases, located in Group 18 of the periodic table, do not normally react chemically with other elements. They have a stable electron configuration with a full outermost energy level, making them highly unreactive.

How many types of elements on the periodic table of elements?

On the Periodic Table there are the following Groups: Group 1 - Alkali Metals Group 2 - Alkaline Earth Metals Transition Metals - Including Lanthanides and Actinides Post Transition Metals Metalloids Other Non Metals Group 7 - Halogens Group 0 - Inert Gases

What are the chemical families don the periodic table?

There is the: Alkali Metals Alkaline earth metals Metals Other Metals Non Metals Halogens Noble Gases

Why are group 1 metals dull on the outside but shiny on the inside?

because of high alkalinity and reactivity, these metals react with oxygen (or other gases) and form a dull layer over them. The inner part remaining protected against gases look shiny, but after sometime they also become dull.

What is another name for a group of elements with similar properties on the periodic table of elements?

Family. Apex

How are group 1 elements different from the group 18 elements?

The difference between group 1 and group 2 metals is that group 1 metals have ONE valence electron and group 2 have TWO valence electrons. This makes a great difference in how they react chemically with other elements and compounds.

What side of a periodic table of elements has metallic properties?

the groups of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, and other metal are all metals and some of the metalloids have metallic properties and the alkali, alkaline are on the left, transition metals are in the middle, other metals are located directly next to the transition metals and the metalloids are next to the other metals, and then you have halogens and Nobel gases, Lanthanides and Actinides which are all gases and rare earth.

What are Similarities and differences between alkali metals?

Alkali metals are group 1 elements with one valence electrons. They tend to lose 1 electron and attain stability by forming cations. They are hence chemically reactive. Noble gases are group 18 elements. They have completely filled orbitals and hence are chemically inert.

What are the 8 most common elements on the Earth?

alkai metals, alkaline earth metals, lanthanoids, actinoids, transistion metals, poor metals, other non-metals, noble gases.