

What groups of people attended the council of Vatican 2?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What groups of people attended the council of Vatican 2?
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Who were the people in the Second Vatican Council?

They are the Pope, Bishops and the Cardinals all over the world.

Why do you need a Vatican 2?

The Second Vatican Council had been considered by Pope Pius XII, but Blessed John XXIII actually called it. The Council was primarily a pastoral council to see how the church could deal with the needs of people in the 20th century. The Council did not change the language of the Mass, but allowed for certain parts (such as the readings) to be in the language of the people. Many of the changes that people associate with Vatican Council II such as the design of churches and, even Mass in the common language had been tried before the Council and were brought about by people in the church in opposition to what the documents actually call for. Ultimately, a Council is the work of the Holy Spirit, and so it is God's way of communicating things to us.

Was the Sign of Peace introduced at the Vatican Council II?

It was phased in immediately before the communion- in the late sixties or early seventies- not strictly speaking Vatican II.Roman Catholic AnswerNo, the Sign of Peace was always in Mass, it was extended to the people during the implementation of the "new" Mass, following Vatican Council II.

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Because in council people were broken into different groups to make a government in power

What groups attended the constitutional convention?

rich people (wealthy) 55 total.

What language did the Second Vatican Council change in the Catholic church?

The language of the Church is Latin. Vatican II changed the Mass to be in the language of the people of the country. Latin remains the universal language of the church.

What people played major roles in Council of Trent?

Although the Pope called the Council of Trent, he didn't play an active role or attend. At the first Council of Trent , 31 out of a total of 700 bishops attended , and 50 theologians showed up. By the second meeting, 270 bishops, mostly Italian attended.

Why did some think changes made by Vatican 2 a disaster?

Actually, very few people think the changes made by the Second Vatican Council were a "disaster". Even fewer people have actually read the documents and know what the Council said. Unfortunately, in the fifty years after the Second Vatican Council most of the changes that were made, were "in the spiritof Vatican II and were NOT asked for by the Council. Those things were a disaster - look at the state of the church as compared with before the Council, the number of priests and religious is in free fall, churches are closing every day, the Catholic school system is only a shadow of its former self. The number of people leaving the Church each year exceeds the number of converts and confirmations by four to one. Anyone who does not think that the state of the Church is a disaster in the early 21st century has their head in the sand. For more information, please see "Dispatches" at the link below.

What is the most explicit change in the Church brought by the Vatican II?

Catholic AnswerThe Second Vatican Council was not a doctrinal Council, and thus made NO changes in the Church's doctrine. Vatican Council II, for the first time in history, was an entirely pastoral council. Of the twenty-one ecumenical councils of the Church, Vatican Council II was the only one to not deal with any doctrinal issues. The task assigned to the Council by Pope John XXIII was Aggiornamento, in Italian this means a bringing up to date. The Pope asked the Council to try to speak to the people of modern times, to put things in terms that they could understand, to make things more relevant to them. .Thus the most explicit change in the Church was one where the Church was called to be more outgoing, to train its faithful in the Christian life to realize that, as Christians, they are of necessity, evangelists.

Why was the Vatican council 2 held in Rome?

The reason that this and all other Vatican councils in the future will be held in Rome is because Rome is the head of the Catholic Church. By the way as a bonus fact, most people think that Vatican City is part of Italy because it is in the center, but it isn't. Vatican is it's own independent nation. Hope this helps! ;)

How did Catholics respond to Vatican II?

Mass in English and priest facing the people.Catholic AnswerVatican Council II, for the first time in history, was an entirely pastoral council. Of the twenty-one ecumenical councils of the Church, Vatican Council II was the only one to not deal with any doctrinal issues. The task assigned to the Council by Pope John XXIII was Aggiornamento, in Italian this means a bringing up to date. The Pope asked the Council to try to speak to the people of modern times, to put things in terms that they could understand, to make things more relevant to them. The two things mentioned above, Mass in English and the priest facing the people, were not requested not mandated by the Vatican Council. As the current Pontiff and his predecessor have mentioned, the Church went off the rails and put in things that were "in the spirit of Vatican II". Well, if there was a spirit of Vatican II, this wasn't it. The Council did request that the readings be put in the vernacular so that people could more readily understand them, however, it specifically requested that the rest of the Mass remain in Latin. As for the priest facing the people - there is absolutely nothing in any of the Council documents that even mention this, and, as a matter of fact, the Missal, itself, specifically mentions that at certain times during the Mass, the priest "is to turn around and face the people" assuming that the priest is facing the altar with his back to the people - a position known as "ad orientem" (toward the east-everybody facing the same direction).Please see the links below:

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There were over 1,400 people in attendance at the Fourth Lateran Council. The attendees included Pope Innocent III, 71 patriarchs and metropolitan bishops, 412 bishops, 900 abbots and priors, and several monarchical representatives.